Do I need an appointment, or can I just walk in?
We see patients by appointment only. We make every effort to accommodate families with sick children and reserve same-day appointment slots each day. The last appointments are at 4:30 Monday through Friday. If your child gets sick in the afternoon and there are no appointments remaining, we may give you advice over the telephone and see your child the next business day or we may also be able to schedule a special urgent visit appointment if needed
What Insurance Do You Accept?
We accept all major insurance plans including Medicaid. Some plans involve co-pays which are due at the time of service. We accept all major credit cards for the payment of co-pays and invoices.
Do You Have the Necessary Forms for School Registration?
Yes. We have all the necessary physical and immunization forms required by the State of Utah. If your particular school needs additional forms, please bring the with you to your appointment.
How Often Should My Child See the Pediatrician?
Your child should not only see the pediatrician for an illness. It is also important to schedule well-child-care exams regularly, beginning in infancy. Also called well-care visits or checkups, these routine examinations provide the best opportunity to observe the progress of your child’s physical and mental growth and development; to counsel with you; to detect problems through screening tests; to provide immunizations, and to get to know one another. Well-care visits are strongly recommended as part of preventive pediatric care.
Well-child visits are also a good time for parents to raise questions and concerns about a child’s development, behavior, nutrition, safety and overall well-being.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends this schedule for routine well-care visits:
- 3 to 5 days
- 1 month
- 2 months
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 9 months
- 12 months
- 15 months
- 18 months
- 24 months
- 30 months
- 3 years
- 4 years
- And once every year thereafter for an annual health supervision visit that includes a physical exam as well as a developmental, behavioral, and learning assessment.
What else can I do to make things go smoothly when I come for my appointment?
Upon check-in, please notify the front office staff if there are any changes with your contact information. At check-out, please make note that copays, co-insurance and deductibles are due at the time of service. Please also notify the nursing staff if you need a shot record before leaving the office.
I am expecting my first baby. Do I need to schedule an appointment prior to delivery?
Since most of our patients come to us through trusted referrals, a meet and greet appointment is not necessary. You can schedule your baby’s first appointment once he/she is born.
I am not sure if my child needs an appointment or not. I would like to talk with a nurse.
For non-urgent issues, you can call the office during regular hours and leave a voicemail for the nurse in our office. Please remain near your phone as you will receive a call back soon. The nurse will give you advice over-the-phone and help you decide if your child needs an appointment that day. Each phone message is then reviewed by a physician in the office.
After normal business hours, we have an answering service and you can speak with a nurse about your child. These messages are reviewed by a physician the next business day. In the case of a life-threatening emergency, you should always call 911.
What if I need a shot record?
If you need a shot record, please call our office. Also, if your child has received shots at another office, we can only include those shots on their shot record if we have a copy of them.
What vaccination schedule do the doctors recommend?
We recommend adhering to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) vaccination schedule. Learn more by visiting the website for the American Academy of Pediatrics. Vaccinations are safe and effective in preventing serious illnesses.
What if I need my child’s prescription refilled?
Please call the office. While some prescriptions can be refilled without an appointment, depending on the situation, the physician may need to assess your child before issuing a refill.
Will the doctor call in antibiotics without seeing my child?
Our desire is to practice excellent medicine. It is often difficult to accurately determine what is going on with a child without doing a physical exam. For this reason, we are unable to call in antibiotics without having seen your child.
If my child has a fever, and I bring he/she in to be seen, should I expect to receive a prescription for antibiotics?
Many childhood illnesses are viral. You should expect our doctors to take a thorough history and perform a physical exam. From there they will make a plan for treatment, which may or may not include antibiotics.
What if I need a pre-participation sports physical?
If your child has not had a well child check within the past 12 months, please call and schedule one. Bring their physical form with you and make sure to fill out the patient history section. Dr. Vernon or Dr. Sharp will perform a sports physical and fill out the form at the appointment.
If your child has had a well-child check within the past 12 months, please fill out the patient history section of the form and send it to us. Any health concerns, recommendations, or referrals may need to be addressed prior to your child being cleared for participation.
What if I am concerned that my child may have ADHD?
Schedule a behavior assessment appointment when you can bring your child in and discuss the results. Often ADHD concerns will be originated by your child’s teacher or school. If so, It is helpful if you can bring the school forms to the office ahead of time, so the doctors can review them prior to the appointment.
My child is on medication for ADHD. How does that work at your office?
In general, even when a child is stable on ADHD medication, careful monitoring for side effects is required. We will see your child for an ADHD med-check every 3 months to monitor blood pressure and growth.
Make an Appointment
It’s easy to make an appointment at Alder Grove Pediatrics. Just click here to make an appointment.
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